Strange Dates on WinWorld
I just happened to notice that the dates are wrong in the news
on the WinWorld site. The first item is dated:
"Windows 98 SE Upgrade in News and Announcements (7 Replies)
Q, 12/03/07"
whick is like a peek into the future.
One was a new month I haven't heard of yet:
""Sakana" Download Server Removed in News and Announcements (0 Replies)
Duff, 28/02/07"
I have no idea why they aren't rendering properly.
on the WinWorld site. The first item is dated:
"Windows 98 SE Upgrade in News and Announcements (7 Replies)
Q, 12/03/07"
whick is like a peek into the future.
One was a new month I haven't heard of yet:
""Sakana" Download Server Removed in News and Announcements (0 Replies)
Duff, 28/02/07"
I have no idea why they aren't rendering properly.
That's how I write it numerically most of the time.
day but I didn't get it right off. It's new to me, I don't think I've
ever noticed that before.
March 14, 2007
14 march 2007 makes no sense!
14/03/2007 makes no sense!
if anything it should be year / month / day
- Month
- Day
either way, its confusing to see the dates the other way. I wish people everywhere would adopt one format for things like this. (People are going to say lol metric, I just know it!)
Yeah, nonsense ranting ftw :P
UK always has to be different, like driving on the left :P (when most of the world drives on the right)
But measurements and all that stuff really needs a fully adopted standard, instead of having the US use imperial (and the UK still using MPH instead of km/h).
And NO! MPH kilos etc yes. but not pints.
I'm not gonna order "550ml of beer"
your folder names in that order, it'll be listed in chronological
order when viewed by name.
On checks and stuff I conform with the US was of putting the
month first. If I put the day first I put in "of" like the 14th
of March.
It was reportede in the Daily Mail last year, and my local newsagents have switched to litres. Although off topic, our political correctness is annoying:
But, we didn't so, we are where we are now...