Secure Desktop background change

edited March 2007 in Software
You know when you hit Ctrl+Alt+Del you get a different background (That Windows blue or the Vista logo)? How do you change that? I KNOW it's possible since I've seen it done (BlueSun did it on 2000)...



  • After a quick trip to Google, I found this link:

    Customize the logon screen wallpaper, screensaver and other settings using Tweak UI

    It also includes manual registry editing instructions.

    I hope this is the answer you were looking for or at least helps you out.
  • Doesn't seem to be it in Vista, since the "Wallpaper" key isn't there regardless.

  • I'm not sure how things have changed in Vista.

    But in 2000, under HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop

    there was a string called Wallpaper with the value being whatever you wanted as your wallpaper.

    That would work for XP and 2000.

    But since I haven't played around on Vista long enough to find out, I couldn't say how to do it under Vista.
  • Darn, that key doesn't exist there, but it HAS to exist somewhere. I've SEEN it change.

  • If I had a Vista machine, I could probably tell you and I haven't gotten around to installing Vista on the computers at school
  • X-setup used to do it on XP, so maybe that'd work.
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