It pays to look in boxes of old stuff.

I went rummaging through a box of my dad's (he gave me permission). I found a very new looking windows 95 manual with a legit cd key on it. I am going to download an ISO because of finding that. Woohoo! I like finding stuff like that.


  • Heh, I could of just given you that. Got the manual and somewhere an origional CD.
  • Thats ok. It's not like I needed it but I like old stuff. Plus I could probably install it on an old comp too. Then again I have 98e as well.
  • Best CD Key ever: 111-1111111

  • Also 0111[cont.] works for NT4 haha and WFWG is just non-extistent. :D
  • Ahh, I see you've discovered the joys of that sort of thing. I've done that many times with similar results.

    I think most of it is just that feeling of "COOL!" + Free! that you get, rather then the stuff itself.

  • Q wrote:
    Ahh, I see you've discovered the joys of that sort of thing. I've done that many times with similar results.

    I think most of it is just that feeling of "COOL!" + Free! that you get, rather then the stuff itself.


    Yeah. I like the fun factor plus the feeling of it all.
  • When I see something very likely looking thrown out, I try and check it out. Even if it is trash, the feeling and satisfaction of checking is great.

  • why not just get the serial? I would be happy if i found the original disc or the diskettes.
  • Because that misses the point. It's the FEELing... the RUSH of Adrenaline at finding something USEFUL and known to you... AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could do that all day (Well, it would rapidly become cheap then, so not really).

  • Yeah, the same when my neighbour gave me 2 fully legal Windows 95 COAs.
  • I was walking in Devon when I noticed and picked up a Windows 95C disk without a key.
  • lol, yes i get that. But i would prefer stumbling on an original win 95 diskettes, which i might have btw. I would hang myself if i found a brand new still vaccum packed, windows 1.00 never opened and in mint oncdition.
  • I'd not hang my self but annoucne to the world I have it and in 20 to 30 years sell it for a mega bundle:p
  • You would have a better chance at finding an eskimo in Africa.
  • I'd not hang my self but annoucne to the world I have it and in 20 to 30 years sell it for a mega bundle:p

    Well, duh i wouldn't i was exaggurating. Yea i would keep for about 50 years then sell it for about 100 mil $. Does anyone know the exact number of these that were actaully sold?
  • Probably some where along the lines of a few hundred thousand or near to a million couNting translated versions. That's me completly rough guessing and will probably be proven wrong :p
  • i would be suprised if it even reached 3,000.
  • Yeah, I have two of those in my software shelf.
  • I have two from 98(SE). They were evidently printed by DeLaRue!

  • sweet W95 book! :)
  • W98-2.png

    That's the back of the 98 manual.

  • isnt it "may be counterfeited"/"may be a counterfeit" instead of "may be counterfeit" dosent sound right to me.
  • Yea you're right it does sound weird. What caught my attention was "please send e-mail to ...": Shouldn't there be an article in there?

  • No, because it's referring to e-mail in a plural form. You wouldn't say "please send an e-mails to ..."

    At least, that's what I get out of it. :s
  • But why would you send multiple Emails all saying "I think I got a counterfeit Windows" ?

  • 'may be counterfeit' is correct because counterfeit is an adjective in this case.

    If you say

    "Please send email to: ___"
    It reads as a request to receive email for no reason - maybe they're lonely

    But because they aren't just asking for random emails, and are asking for a single email, they'd need 'a' in there.
  • adragons wrote:
    'It reads as a request to receive email for no reason - maybe they're lonely

    Hmm... courtship by piracy reporting. Sounds horrendous.

  • Hahahahaha. Yes it does.
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