He's telling straight Q, it's the utility that allows you to switch the keyboard being used to or from multiple languages, Mine switches between french and english for example.
Ahh, I guess that icon is used by multiple programs then. Anyway I was more then a little annoying by the assumption I didn't know what "EN" was supposed to stand for, and all of this is a little pointless given that I was asking about the icon to its ("EN"'s) immediate left.
It is a hmmmm let me think........ I can't remeber just go and check *literally goes up stairs and turns other comp on*
It is a brown boxer (no specific well known brand) with no brand marking on it. It is registered in 98SE as IDE 10X DVD Rom. I use the Samsung CD Rom Drivers V M2.21. Reading DVD's only recognises the 2 gig but files are accessable beyond it. I browsed through a load of my mp3 dvd's back when I had Win3.1 on there.
It is my SigmaTel audio. It came with my sound card driver to manage the speaker and microphone jack.
My system tray from left to right is Sound, QuickTime, Intel Graphics Card driver (for easy access resolution changing etc), Language Bar minimized, SigmaTel jack monitoring, InCD and Windows Update.
::oops: ::roll:
really, waht brand is it. I've experienced this myself and many people who are experienced in computers will tell you taht it wont work.
It is a brown boxer (no specific well known brand) with no brand marking on it. It is registered in 98SE as IDE 10X DVD Rom. I use the Samsung CD Rom Drivers V M2.21. Reading DVD's only recognises the 2 gig but files are accessable beyond it. I browsed through a load of my mp3 dvd's back when I had Win3.1 on there.
My system tray from left to right is Sound, QuickTime, Intel Graphics Card driver (for easy access resolution changing etc), Language Bar minimized, SigmaTel jack monitoring, InCD and Windows Update.