
edited March 2010 in Software
Does anybody else remember playing this for days on end?

I remember I waited forever for Descent 3 to come out, and they had changed the engine it was based on, so they made the maps a more open space thing.. How disappointed I was.


  • Never played any other than the first, but I fuckin' loved it. And I didn't play it until 2005, so there's no nostalgia when I say it's an amazing game.

    My only problem was I could never get sound working right. I couldn't get sound effects. Suffice it to say, I've still not defeated SuperHulk.
  • The only sounds I remember are the synthesized sound played in the opening while the "Interplay" logo was displayed... and that sound of those scratching-robots scratching my ship.
  • I've been told that SuperHulk lets out a bloodcurdling scream, and by many accounts, that's the only way to know where he is. But I could be wrong.
  • I cant remember much of it... Its all such a vague memory now. I havent played that game in over ten years now.
  • I've actually recently gotten back into Descent. (I love you so much,

    Playing through on Ace.

    Goddamnit, I hate hate HATE level 6.

    Level 7 is great fun, unnnnnntil the Superhulk......
    While he doesn't let out a bloodcurdling scream (that's an enemy in Descent II), the Superhulik's sound when he's floating around has a special kind of terror in my heart.

    The dull, far-off sound of him is comforting, but when I hear it really really close.... GOD, it sends shivers down me.

    That said, I also really really really hate level 13. "Yeah! Let's bring back a bunch of the older, easier enemies, making the level pretty fun, WHEN SUDDENLY, a completely unfair amount of Red Hulks. One after the other. Again and again.


    I'm so glad a lot of these enemies had a much more balanced and fun change when Descent II came around. Sooooooo much more fun plowing through a level without needing to quick-save every two minutes, then re-load eight times because you're running out of lives and you keep getting blindsided by Red Hulks and those Vulcan things. (I call them Mr. Driller's)

    tl;dr: I like Descent.
  • We all do, Swifto. We all do.
  • Except for Billy.
    He can't figure out the controls.
  • Aren't they completely customizable?
  • Yes.
    I helped him along in trying to work out a config that would work for him.

    He was still lost.

  • Why didn't he just do wasd? Although I prefer esdf myself, with a for roll left and v for roll right.
  • He did.

    Along with mouse controls.

    Nice and familiar.

    .........He still couldn't grasp it.

    I myself go as thus:
  • Keyboard controls... I don't know how you do it man.
  • Considering how I seem to be doing on Ace? Pretty well, it seems.

    I just need a fancier keyboard that allows more than three button inputs at once.
  • Don't forget it may be the computer, as well.
  • When I use Nex's on-board keys, I can use as many keys as I want.

    USB keyboard..... Nope.
  • Hah, descent was one of the first games I played as a kid. That and Ken's Labyrinth which is now open source.
  • Ken's Labyrinth for the fucking win. Made even more awesome now that it's been ported to windows.
  • Interplay is the win.

    Interplay has made one of the most popular game series of the last twenty years:
  • For more Descent goodness see:
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