Anybody using it? I have it running full-time on Tweek. It's interesting to poke around, especially Frost (message boards).
Yes, there is undoubtedly child porn and other illegal shit on there, but it's unavoidable in a project who's primary goal to provide anonymity.
Yes, there is undoubtedly child porn and other illegal shit on there, but it's unavoidable in a project who's primary goal to provide anonymity.
I like the idea, but I don't like it putting data on my drives that I can't see.
I also vaguely remember like.. not being able to load the pages on it or something.
Lose Lose situation there.
I'm a fan of freedom of speech, so running a Freenet node is my way of contributing.
Personally, I just keep anything I want kept private encrypted in a triple cascading cipher. Anyone "investigating" my computer would just find a bunch of meaningless 1s and 0s.
If you were able to see what it puts on your drives, you lose both protection and plausible deniablity.
I've been seeing that some hackers are trashing some Freenet nodes :S
Maybe I'll try it later, as I don't have any apparent use for it as I obtain my illegal stuff from other web sites.. :P
And yes I was into this for a while and then sortof gave up for some reason. I should get back into it. My memories are:
* Taking forever to load pages (That'll always be a factor)
* Me wondering why javaw was taking so much processor and RAM and killing it, and then wondering why Freenet was down.
* FIW, NIM and other strangeness.
* I once got a Freesite up and running, but remember nothing of it.
* "Bill and the Canary's Big Giveaway"
* That sort of status flog, Content of Evil I think?
* Constant updates to new revisions
* After I left, they made some major architectural change I wasn't so sure I'd've supported if I was there.