Wrong I am doing it.

edited April 2010 in Software
What am I doing wrong again, for some reason I always seem to ahve trouble getting MS DOS6.x and Win3.1 on the net via a virtual machine.

For the moment I have got MSLANMAN 2.2c installed and the driver Digital Semiconductor (DS) 21040, 21041, 21140, 21142, 21143, V2.60 disk with the driver isntalled and MS-TCP/IP selected, however when the VM reboots it just hangs at the initialising the card stage. The system is set to NAT mode for the NIC settings but also tried specifically selecting my nic, so what am I doing wrong?

Is this even the right driver for the VPC nic? VPC2007. Just one thing that I can never get working it seems, but my physical machines work like a charm when using LANMAN.


  • I always had difficulties with Windows 3.1 and networking in general, regardless of whether it was a physical machine or virtual.

    WFWG 3.11 worked though.
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