After i exit DOOM, the dell restarts

edited April 2011 in Hardware
I downloaded DOOM and installed on XP, i tested it and it works, but after i click exit, i see a black screen and i see the bios logo. I NEED A WAY TO SOLVE THIS OUT!


  • You're bluescreening, disable that in advanced system settings and figure out what the message is.
  • Might be worth trying the compatibility mode with Windows 95 or something. You should find that on the properties of either the shortcut or the EXE, I forget which and don't run XP anymore...
  • You can use a windows frontend to DOOM, like zDOOM or something like that (all it is is a port of the engine to windows, which is much more reliable, you can take the if i recall, *.pak and just load those on the front end). DOS games have never seemed to work properly on any NT based system for years.
  • noone wrote:
    DOS games have never seemed to work properly on any NT based system for years.

    XP did a better job of it than 2000 and earlier did. Still kind of sucks depending on the game.

    On XP, I'd install VDMSound to get sound working in DOS games. Worked pretty well for most games.

    And there's always DOXBox.
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