windows 200

edited April 2011 in Software
hi everyone i have a question i been trying to use usb in windows 200 profesional qich i use in virtual pc but some how it wont detect usb am out of ideas what to do can you help me?

i went to my computer right cliked on manage and got to the computer management window there i clicked on system tools and device manager but no usb serial bus controlers were found its wired is it that back in 200 there was no usb in windows 200 yet?

is there a way to get it or maby a link where to doenload it it ? it cant be possible that it does not work greeding marco


  • Wow, spell check much?

    To answer your question, yes USB support existed in Windows 2000. The problem is that you're using it in Virtual PC.

    Virtual PC doesn't support USB inside virtual machines as far as I know. VMware does, I think VirtualBox does as well. There's free versions of those you can use.

    They also usually have a tool to convert a Virtual PC machine into their format so you won't have to reinstall 2000.
  • HI SORRY FOR BOTHERING YOU WIH E MAILS I THUGHT IT WAS TO WRITE AS WELL I JUST WANTED TO SAY THIS:HI THANKS FOR YOU LAST REPLY SO it has to do wirh virtual pc because amk using windows 200 in virtual pc , ill try to use then better virual box instead , and if i use virtual boz then usb will work right?
    on windows 200

    i was not aware of that problem no wonder it would not show or reconize anything .

    i also used vmware once but somehow the problerm was that there was a conflict with the cd rom drive after installing . and i had to remoce vmware .

    greeding marco
  • I know with virtualbox, when you plug in a usb device, you have to mount it by clicking on the usb icon and capture the device that way. It'll appear then in the virtual machine, and when you're done with it, you can release it the same way. Now if that device you only want to be recognized in virtualbox every time you use it, there's an option for that in the same menu. I used to do that with my old pocket pc all the time.
  • Lollerskates.
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