Serial for WIndows 8 m2

edited April 2011 in Software
so does any one have a working serial for windows 8 m2 yet ?


  • cant you just hit cancel/next like in windows 7 install?
  • i dont know i walked away after i started the installation and when i cam back it was asking me to create users
  • Vista and up you can just skip past the serial on.
  • ok but after installing it says in the status that i have like 3 or was it 30 days to activate it
  • The 3 days thing is just the time remaining until it automatically tries to activate. Once that fails, you'll still have 30 days or so before you have to activate it.

    And there's a command, I forget what it is offhand and I don't feel like looking it up, that will rearm the activation and you can get up to like 180 days or something like that.
  • yea its that slmgr.exe switch but it keeps on giving errors
  • cscript c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /rearm
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