hi everybody

edited July 2011 in Software
i almost resolved the problem i haf with virtualbox but now th only problem is itr des not let me install addons wich i need to make it work .
isa there a way hioy to do this marco


  • edited July 2011
    I'll excuse you on your grammar and spelling, but first if I'm going to help you I need to know a few things:

    1. What version of VirtualBox you are using?
    2. Which OS are you installing in VirtualBox?

    **Some operating systems do not support the addons to improve the experience (pointer intergration, etc...).

    And if it's a different kind of add-on you're talking about, I can't help you there.
  • iandun wrote:
    I'll excuse you on your grammer and spelling.
    FYI "grammer" is not a word.
  • Josh,

    Grammer, isn't that Bostonian for Gramma???
  • Strange choice of word for the people who pahk theah cah in Hahvahd yahd.
  • nightice

    That's Cambridge, Boston...my wife is originally from just south of the South Boston area. They like their "r" especially at the end of words
  • meb5749 wrote:

    Grammer, isn't that Bostonian for Gramma???
    I have no idea. I try to avoid those peeps from "Bawstown" and the likes.
  • Since you insist that I am a total itiot (I'm not), I'll correct my mistake.
  • And, I also corrected my original post!
  • Itiot. Lol.
  • iandun wrote:
    Since you insist that I am a total itiot (I'm not), I'll correct my mistake.
    You fool!
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