Server 2008 Hyper-v - What the hell Microsoft?

edited July 2011 in Software
So apparently Ubuntu server doesn't like hyper-v standard emulated network cards out of the box. Everywhere on the internet says you pretty much have to use a legacy type adapter. So here I am working through RDC on our domain server and I go to change the network adapter emulation type on the linux VM I setup through Hyper-V. I get the typical "your network connection may be interrupted blah blah blah" which I'm not too concerned about considering the VM is bound to its own NIC so even if something does fubar on the NIC, only the VMs would lose connectivity.

Oh no.

5 seconds after I saw the warning message I lose RDC connectivity and start getting call after call about connectivity to the server being dropped from the domain clients. Long story short, Microsoft you suck.

Short story -- does anyone know of a Debian based distro that supports Hyper-v network emulation out of the box?


  • I think wheezy should have the kmod's if you're comfortable using testing.
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