browser for windows 98

edited August 2011 in Software
i am looking for a browser for windows 98 that will work good with today's internet. i have firefox 2.0.20 on there but it don't work will with the internet and i even put sea monkey 1.9.1 on there and when i go to a site that uses flash the site don't work right. i have flash 9 on my win 98 computer. hope there a browser out there if not i guess i am suck.


  • You could try installing KernelEx and see if you can get Firefox 6 to run in it.

    KernelEx allows you to run some programs made for XP under 98. You can download it from:

    You may also trying to get flash 10.3 to run on it.
  • thanks for the help. I try KernelEx. it install great but firefox 6 won't run on it it just freezes the computer up. flash player 10.3 installed great. i may try firefox 3 or 4.
  • I don't think flash or HTML5 pages should be viewed under win 98
  • Opera is the best modern browser available for the 9x series.
  • How much RAM do you have; bear in mind that an average page will require ~40MB of RAM for the rendering process, high levels of HTML5 usage will raise that.

    tl;dr: browsing on old machines is useless.
  • i have 256mb of ram and it's a p3 running at 650mhz. i got firefox 3.6.20 to run on my computer with flash 10.3 for firefox and ie run install too. now it loads all the web page's even you tube works on there. so thanks for the help!
  • I agree - Opera will run perfectly. I use Opera on my Pentium 1 laptop with Win95, faultless

    On Windows 98 I tended to use Firefox but Opera is faster.
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