getting a new pc...

edited August 2011 in Software
I will be getting a way better pc than what i have now. It has at least 2GB RaM and a 3GHZ processor so should I get Windows 7? (If i should then i will get the 32 bit version so i can still run my win95/98 games)


  • Windows 7 is pretty solid, however, I wouldn't make the lack of 16 bit app support reason to avoid 64 bit. It does sound like you have an older PC that will run anything 16 bit fine.
  • Could you be more specific on the specs? a 3 Ghz processor isn't very specific. I assume you mean a multi-core processor? Cause you really shouldn't bother spending money on anything less.

    2 GB of RAM isn't much these days. It'll run 7 fine though, but it really depends on what you intend to be using the machine for.

    If you want to upgrade the RAM at all, you should install the 64 bit version of 7. Depending on what 95/98 games you have, you may get away with running them virtual. The bottom line is that yes, you should run Windows 7.

    You may also considering keeping your current PC as an old gaming rig and using the new one for the modern stuff. You could get a KVM switch, have both PC's hooked up and switch between them depending on the task you want to do. Better performance than a virtual machine, though more detrimental to your electric bill.
  • well it's a 3GHZ P4 so it's not 64bit
  • Some Prescott cores had EM64T
  • Are you buying this PC or is someone giving it to you? Cause if you're buying it, you shouldn't spend money on a P4.
  • but the pentium 4 is really fast because it's 3GHz plus it's a refurbished PC
  • The clock speed alone doesn't mean much of anything these days. A Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz would probably wipe the floor with a 3 Ghz P4. Don't take my word for it, go look at some benchmarks and see for yourself.

    Pentium 4's are not fast. At least compared to anything made in the last 5 years. There's a reason why they abandoned the P4 architecture.
  • I could always replace the CPU
  • That depends on the motherboard. Not all LGA 775 motherboards will support a Core 2 CPU.
  • If its a socket 478 do not bother buying it, as it will not yield a finacial return to you.
  • Yeah L2 cache is a lot more important IMO than clock speed.
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