duel booting windows 7 and mac os 10.5

edited September 2011 in Software
My friend gave me a copy of mac os 10.5.7 for pc. he duel boots windows xp and mac os 10 . my question is can i duel boot windows 7 and mac os 10? i don't want to install mac os on my pc and not have windows 7 not boot. i have two hard rives in my computer. one a sata drive and the other is a ide drive. windows 7 on the sata drive. i would put mac os on the ide drive. here my specs for my computer

MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 @ 2.50GHz
2.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR2
Foxconn G31MXP/G31MXP-K
ATI Radeon HD 3400 Series
Realtek High Definition Audio
Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
HP DVD Writer 1270d ATA Device

thanks for the help. my friend told me it will work but i want to make sure before i do it.


  • Yes, check insanelymac for information.
  • Thank's i will take a look? :D
  • i tryed and got to duel boot mac os 10.5 and windows 7. but every time i booted into windows 7 it wanted me to format the other hard drive. so i formatted it and restored windows 7 boot back like it was. i guess windows 7 don't like to share the computer with other OS. i am thinking about putting linux on there in stead.
  • You need some drivers to read HFS+ volumes on Windows.

    Boot Camp users have to install Apple's HFS drivers to read our Mac partitions.
  • i tryed and got to duel boot mac os 10.5 and windows 7. but every time i booted into windows 7 it wanted me to format the other hard drive. so i formatted it and restored windows 7 boot back like it was. i guess windows 7 don't like to share the computer with other OS. i am thinking about putting linux on there in stead.

    I guess our American Education system has no need to teach English anymore.

    Windows 7 has never complained about any of my ext3/hfs partitions unless I've explicitly provoked it (IE: trying to mount the drive or open it in some way). Chances are you were touching something you shouldn't have been.
  • sorry stitch i can't spell! i guess you don't like people with disability. I can't read very good too let's make fun of that too. it's part of my disease that slow killing me and my brain. my friend install mas os 10.5 on my computer and screwed it up. so have a good day!
  • :O What disease?
  • i have epilepsy witch every time i have a seizure it kill off my brain cells and when i was a baby i was in a bad car crash witch i went into the windshield head first and now i can't really remember things to well. back in 1971 baby wasn't require to be in a car seat. i use to sit on my moms lap. i know i well have a seizure that will kill me one day.
  • I knew a guy in highschool that had epilepsy. Strobe lights at grad nite made him go into a seizure. They were able to treat him though and he is somewhat normal now.

    I am sorry to hear that. My condolences.
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