Ready Boost

edited October 2011 in Software
**I Don't Know if this has been said***

Does anyone use 'Ready Boost'? What do you think about it?

If you don't know what it is here is what it does:
" ReadyBoost in Windows 7 can use your flash memory device to add instant RAM to your PC."
~Microsoft Windows


  • I've thought about using but never seen the point, maybe if your on a low end netbook or older laptop, but not on a desktop.
  • Never used it, never had a need. I thought about trying it out, just to play around with it, but I never got around to it.
  • Eh...RAM is cheap nowadays. I can't think of a machine made in the last 4 years that can't do at least 4GB.
  • nightice wrote:
    Eh...RAM is cheap nowadays. I can't think of a machine made in the last 4 years that can't do at least 4GB.
    Yes, it is true. My computer does have 4 GB although when I am running large programs the computer is very slow. So I have tried the 'Ready Boost' and it speeds up my computer by heaps. I have 20 GB of ram running at the current time. I can have a maximum of 200 some GB of ram connect.
  • You don't really have 20GB of RAM, you have 4GB of RAM and an overglorified, slightly faster than mechanically rotating, swap file...

    (That USB thumb drive is not running too much faster than a regular HD)
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