
edited November 2011 in Software
I want to start a group that "refurbishes" Xp CDs (both no SP3 and v ones that has SP3). where should i start?

PS: if you want to join i'll give you a link to the site


  • edited November 2011
    Seeing how many unpatched WinXP RTM installs are out there, an out of the box RTM install of XP will go from zero to owned in <15 minutes.
    (Probably by blaster. And I'm betting on all those installs still out there with the FCKGW keys.)
  • XP without any service packs is pretty unusable without even thinking about how fast the script kiddies will get you.
  • I have one question... why?
  • I've heard that installs of XP (and in some instances 2k) getting owned by the blaster worm during setup. Not sure if that's true or not but that sounds pretty darn funny.
  • i would integrate sp3
  • Then just use an SP3 disc to start with?

    Why are you even interested in keeping a 10-year-old operating system running? I can see reasons for abandonware, but XP is in a position where it's still supported and most recent programs run on it but it has no good reason to be supported any longer.
  • i don't have an xp sp3 disk. but most people still use xp.
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