windows vista?
I am thinking about maybe (on my newer machine) installing vista. Sadly it only has 504MB not 512MB (of RAM) and i want a genuine vista not a vLited. But it does have an intel atom (1.6Ghz) so i think the CPU passed the test.
If you must get a newer Windows, use Win7. As we all know, Vista was almost as much of a joke as ME. lol, as "me". anyway.
If it had like 1GB of RAM it might run Win7 *okay* but still 1G isn't a lot for Win7. 1G will run XP or Ubuntu 10.10 perfectly well, as I've experienced.
I prefer to find an OS suitable for the hardware, rather than mess with the hardware with the end goal of being compatible with a newer OS. (Why do you think I like WinWorld/WinBoards? I still use Win9x )
What OS does it have now? XP? If any, what's wrong with it?
Perfectionism is nice sometimes, but the fact that I find no modern OS good enough is frustrating at times. Ubuntu's close, as is Mac OS X. Both have flaws though, Ubuntu with its limited hardware/software compatibility, and Mac OS X with its slight quirks (why the hell won't they just let me maximize the window? God!), and the dock which is shiny but IMO not that efficient.
OS X feels like the most "complete" consumer OS available right now. Microsoft never really tried to achieve that other than Windows/Office integration, but a nice shiny Macintosh running OS X is pretty cool.
As many have said skip Vista go to 7. I have Vista on a Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo Mobile V5535, runs just fine but If I could be bothered would put WIn7 on it.
screenshot it next time
I'm thinking database error, and with all the hell the database has seen there could be a few loose issues lying around that few people will hit.
It's all good though, it's nothing critical.
Isn't that what full screen mode is for in Lion?
dontabandonme: whatever you want. You asked for our opinions. Didn't you? :P
Uses too much ram and is slow also constantly updating
go with windows xp or 2000 if you like win 2k is good
Because this is / was an abandonware forum?