can you spraypaint a floppy drive bezel black?

edited December 2011 in Hardware
... without screwing it up? I wanted a black FDD for my newer PC, which I've never gotten around to, and meant to ask this.

I have a LOT of floppy drives, most without bezels, and I don't want to have to buy a new bezel that's black. I have ones with white and beige bezels.

So could I just take it off and spraypaint it, then reinstall it? I would probably need to tape over the little LED but other than that I *think* it would work.

Would it?


  • Naw, you'll want a plastic paint though. Try something like this:
  • It'll work sure, but if you want it to look slightly decent you gotta be careful.

    I've done it with numerous CD/DVD drives.
  • cool, thanks. I might get around to this sometime, that and rounding IDE cables. But other things (i.e. SuperGateway) to put first.
  • Just to say, I think you would have to sand the plastic a bit, so that there is some surface for the paint to bond / soak into.
  • Just to say, I think you would have to sand the plastic a bit, so that there is some surface for the paint to bond / soak into.

    That's why I like Krylon, no sanding required =)
  • If you want that kind of finish, don't forget primer.
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