Web Software for File Archives

edited December 2011 in Software
I was wondering what (PHP-based?) software I could use for a file archive. I mean basically I want to set up a website that has different articles with accompanying files, with specific attributes attached to each article, regarding its file, to make it really convenient to search/sort.

Basically I want to make a site to host some modified cars for an old PC racing game, and I want to be able to assign values like author, polycount, top speed, and other common/important features.

Currently I was using WordPress but this hasn't been working very well - while wordpress is a decent versatile platform for making a few sorts of sites, using pages to sort posts by category and then using tags for those specific attributes (i.e. polycount-0-to-1500, author-gdea73, etc) - is not efficient.

So my question is: any other software to do this simply? I would also rather have a standalone sort of thing rather than have it designate the purpose of my entire site. Ideally IK want to design the website myself, from scratch, like others I've done. However, I don't know how to code in PHP, much less make something like this myself.

Tried searching on Google but I don't think Google understands, lol.

Any suggestions?


  • what game is it? i may have info on the game's modability. I mod Midtown Madness 2 that was released back in 2000

    EDIT: I Don't know anything about php but there is a site with php tutorials
  • If you're feeling ambitious I know this can all be done with Drupal, however there's an incredibly steep learning curve (to the point where people make careers out of it).

    Maybe you can poke around on OpenSourceCMS and see if you find anything useful. I should think many CMSes have a decent file library available, the problem is that most CMSes are crap.
  • dontabandonme: Need For Speed: High Stakes. Trust me, there is the ability to mod NFSHS. I've been doing it for 4 years, and many people've been doing it for 10 ;). I don't need any assistance regarding gathering / organizing mods for High Stakes. This was purely for website advice. Thanks for your interest though - an early prototype of the site's available at hscentral.it.cx (or hsc.it.cx). I have SMF installed at hsc.it.cx/forum (lol, just noticed I got like 700 spambot registrations when there's no board to post on. Fail. I'll fix that later.)

    nightice: thanks for the advice. Might actually try Drupal, and I'll look at OSCMS soon too.

    But what frustrates me is that there should be a relatively simple way to assign tags/number-based attributes to simple articles and allow searching based on those attributes. Ah well. I'll keep looking.
  • i always wanted to mod NFS HS but i don't know how to texture models nor make textures

    I think in japan NFS HS was named something else but it's not the eroupeon (i wish i Knew how spell that word) name either.

    edit by stitch: next time, use the 'edit' button. double post not needed
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