Ubuntu Currotped windows harddrive?

edited January 2012 in Software
i installed Ubuntu 11.10 to a 2nd hard drive, and when i went to boot windows 7, it would just sit there, i went back into Ubuntu and found that the hard drive was gone. that when i went to disk utility and found that it was a unknown partition, and i was unable to get my data off of it (IT SUCKS) anyways i decided to wipe it and reinstall 7, and i had to reinstall 7 like 5 times for it to work properly, which is working right now.

So any idea why this happened?




  • Can you clarify this a bit more?
  • Did you wipe the MBR somehow?

    Your data was most likely recoverable, btw. Sometimes it's better to stop and think the problem through before you just wipe the drive and reinstall the OS.
  • i was trying to recover my data, and from ubuntu i followed the direction to recover "Lost Partitions" and it changed from RAW back to NTFS but it was still bad
  • Yeah next time hold off a bit before throwing in the towel and reinstalling. Most cases, like BlueSun said, it's an overzealous grub installer fucking around with drives it's not supposed to. Did you even attempt to repair with fixboot/fixmbr/bootrec?
  • yes i used bootrec.exe both /fixmbr and /fixboot

  • You can still retrieve your files even if you delete the partition and put a new partition over it. There was some software I used ages ago when I made a very similar mistake. Couldn't tell you what it was called, though. I'm sure Google'll render something useful.
  • Koff wrote:
    You can still retrieve your files even if you delete the partition and put a new partition over it. There was some software I used ages ago when I made a very similar mistake. Couldn't tell you what it was called, though. I'm sure Google'll render something useful.
    There's a program on some linux cds called gpart (not gparted)
  • You tripped on Ubuntu's built-in antimalware.
    Next time put your data in a blank HD and unmount it before installing ubuntu.
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