
edited March 2012 in Software
Do you guys have permission from Microsoft to share this?


  • Simply put, no, not from Microsoft or other companies.

    However, since we are 100% non-profit with no advertising, and have a strict policy of only distributing software which is no longer sold or supported it really isn't an issue.

    After almost nine years, I'm sure they are aware of our site, and simply don't care enough to do anything. Unlike many other "warez" sites you find, we don't load our site down with XXX advertisements, virus-infested downloads, cracks and recent warez. We simply aim to help other geeks and those in need. For example, helping people like a user who was here a few days ago, setting up old computers in Africa. Or just young geeks like we used to be, experimenting with old PCs and software.

    If any software publisher has an issue with us hosting their content, they can contact us via PGP-signed email to request removal as explained on the About page.
  • Do you guys have permission from Microsoft to share this?

    Beware, by being on this forum you have seen the windows flag without MS' permission. They'll be after you by nightfall.

    Run for your life.
  • I don't really care, I just wanted to know. I don't give a sh*t, I was just curious. I don't give a fu** about the Windows 95 EULA.
  • actually I always wondered...

    If I were to sell some refurbished older PCs, really inexpensively, and installed Win98SE on them, how closely would I have to follow the EULA? Obviously it's impossible to provide a legitimate license for every PC unless each one has one, except Win98 was before case stickers most of the time (the key was usually on the setup guide). So if I just used one or two legitimately-obtained retail Win98 keys, would anyone ever care? I would assume that's somewhat similar to what goes on here...
  • I've seen Windows 98 case sticker COA's before (They're pink iirc). That said these were on Dells, you were highly unlikely to get them on small-medium sized OEM's machines.

    That said your case is similar, but with one key difference. You're actually involved in selling something (The PC), we're not. While I doubt anyone would really care (it's fairly difficult to legitimately obtain the license these days anyway), it might be seen by someone as making money off Windows if it was to be pre-installed (in the refurb process). Obviously that's really not the case, there's not much effort to installing the OS compared to making sure all that hardware is in good working order. You could also ponder pre-installing a lightweight linux distro or nothing, and giving discs/download URL's upon request...
  • stitch wrote:
    I've seen Windows 98 case sticker COA's before (They're pink iirc). That said these were on Dells, you were highly unlikely to get them on small-medium sized OEM's machines.

    I have one for 98SE on my Compaq Deskpro EN.
  • stitch: yeah it would be really impossible to get enough real licenses to do that. The only reason I'd prefer to preinstall it on those would be because honestly old PCs run quite well with well-configured Win9x installs, and sometimes lightweight linux distros can be hard to get working, i.e. Lubuntu, on extremely old hardware.

    But in the event that I do that I'm thinking I'll provide working Win9x drivers, and have Lubuntu preinstalled, and leave the option open for the buyer to use Win9x, or another OS. I mean if anyone would voluntarily buy an old computer they'd probably be a computer enthusiast anyway... or extremely cheap :P
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