I got a another pc...
Hello I have family friend that gave me a PC that has a AMD CPU. The problem is I can't seem to identify the brand of the pc. I also got some external CD-RW drives. I can't seem to identify 2 things on the drives. !) on 1 drive the cord for it goes in to a certain port that and I don't what port it goes in. 2) another one needs a power cord of a certain type. I wish I had pictures, but my phone is dead.
Can you get it to boot? Boot to an Ultimate Boot CD or something, try to get some sysinfo out of that. Or just open it up and write down the motherboard's model number. That'll give you the FSB/RAM/CPU, or at least something close.
-It is a custom case
-A ASUS brand motherboard
-It needs some uncluttering of cords/dust
-It needs a hard drive (which I just ordered).
-256MB RAM
-1 floppy and 2 CDRW drives
The picture will come soon just be patient.
I had a similar-ish PC, which was an HP Pavilion 8860, which had an ASUS A7V-VM, IIRC. Smaller (micro-ATX? / square dimensions) board, Socket A with an Athlon 1 GHz Thunderbird installed, took PC133. This is all from memory, but it could be close to the board you have.
Just curious, where'd you order an IDE hard drive from, and how much did it cost? I ordered a 160GB SATA from eBay for ~$20, a few months ago, turned out to have 600+ bad sectors, but would have been a good deal.
EDIT: I found documentation on ASUS's site.
EDIT2: What is the best method for removing a cpu (and dust)?
Why would you remove the CPU again?
I sort of forgot and I don't really want to reread the thread, what are you trying to do other than identify the thing? I mean there you have it, it's a Socket A Athlon, it takes PC2100 (DDR 266) SDRAM, it's got an AGP Pro 4x slot, etc. Once you get your hard drive in the mail, hook it up as PriMas, and you should be good to go.