
edited January 2013 in Software
I must ask myself, how do the people who develop ecomstation do it?

If you don't know, ecomstation is the successor to OS/2.

What annoys me is you can't buy it from them. Plus, their mirror for the demo doesn't work. Ugh.


  • I actually got one of the live CDs not too long ago. It was interesting to say the least. Most of today's use for eComstation is tailored for custom business workstation deployments. Lowes for example. All of their desktops are IBM workstations featuring a custom flavor of "Lowes OS/2 (eComstation)".
  • I wish they'd modernize this, open source it, and market it harder.

    Because I like eComStation. It's just a shame there's no support. If there was a decent IM client, and Flash that worked on it, I'd run it on my spare PC. It runs well on almost anything too. Ran it on a Pentium 2 box a while ago, to experiment, and it ran like a champ.

    Shame that IBM didn't push it hard enough or market it correctly. I'd love to be running IBM OS/2 Warp 7 right now. And it would've been nice in the 90's, when that unstable piece of shit WIndows 9x was the only desktop OS at the time.
  • It's got a purpose. Desktop OS isn't it unfortunately.
  • If people got over the metro crap, they'd realize it's not a half bad OS... though without metro it's basically Windows 7 with a few improvements here and there.
  • I don't get how you can 'get over' the major new feature of the upcoming OS. I'd probably be fine with it if that damn start screen wasn't forced on me; that way I could stay to the desktop I'm used to and never have to touch any of the Metroized shite.

    That however, is not the case. =(
  • Few things:
    1. This is the wrong thread. This is about eComstation, not Windows 8.

    2. Metro isn't "forced" into the UI. It's more like an "accessory". You still have the Windows 7 Aero interface to work with for normal desktop use. It's just that the Metro interface comes into play when you start using touchpad-specific functions (pressing the home button, for example). Yeah there's some intial tweaking and setup you have to do if you aren't using a touch screen device but there's nothing about the public beta that forces me to use touchscreen.
  • I tried the live CD. It worked pretty well on my older P3 box (500 Mhz baby! 320 MB of RAM! AGP Rage Pro!) - I'm amazed the Firefox port is still maintained, even for new versions. (Not on the live CD that's way outdated. I'd love to try it again if they updated it to 2.0)
  • The metro interface isn't forced on you? I bet you haven't even touched Windows 8! The login screen is metroized, the default desktop environment is the new metroized start menu, etc.
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