Windows Vista Beta 1

edited May 2012 in Software
Sup guys! I'm having that curiosity feeling again where I want to see what older versions of Windows were like many years ago! I was directed here by some dude on another forum and I searched through the archives and can't seem to find a Windows Vista Beta 1 ISO.
If somebody can point to a link (ie. one that's hidden, private, etc.) that would be awesome!


  • Not really sure if they have anything like that.. they DO have longhorn though. But iirc longhorn was also a buggy, incomplete POS, even more so than Vista.
  • was prerelease software. What did you expect?
  • Well yeah, that's what I'd expect. But it was bad, even for pre-release. I specifically remember people with top of the line systems at the time having issues running it..

    Which is really what surprises me about 8's beta, how well it runs. I even saw someone running it on a Pentium 4 system. :|
  • The Windows 8 beta runs awesomely. It's a quite usable OS.

    The Vista Beta 1 ran... uh... well. It ran. Though it's a bit unfair to judge as I ran it on a P4 with I think 512 MB of RAM. Been a while, so I don't remember exactly.
  • Windows 8 is *stable* for the most part, I'll give it that. Take away the fucking awful start screen and metro crap, which I don't care about, and you have mostly Windows 7. I see no reason to run it.
  • Well yeah, that's what I'd expect. But it was bad, even for pre-release. I specifically remember people with top of the line systems at the time having issues running it..

    Which is really what surprises me about 8's beta, how well it runs. I even saw someone running it on a Pentium 4 system. :|
    They are two completely different scenarios. Longhorn was a whole new kernel update/build, graphics redesign etc that turned out crappy in the form of Vista. Metro is almost like a shell environment running on top of an existing stable kernel. Speaking of which, have you even used Metro? I actually have the most powerful tablet in the world sitting right next to me with Windows 8 Metro on it. I've been actively testing it for the past 3-4 months and I can say that there are plenty of issues with the Metro UI:

    Lack of consistency with how the UI reacts to attempting to rearrange app icons.
    Issues with moderate flick gestures / multitasking movement between apps. The app freezes up, metro freezes up, or the app doesn't let me out back to Metro.
    There's something lacking that Microsoft needs to figure out between filling in the gap between a touch-screen (Metro) oriented application and going into classic applications.
  • I haven't used it on a tablet yet, but yeah, you're right. Vista was a huge change for Windows, especially compared to 8.

    8 feels a LOT faster than 7 on a desktop though. And since I don't use metro on my desktop.. :P
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