Windows Neptune

edited June 2012 in Software
I thought if produced it could've been a pretty cool OS. I've got a few PCs that I'm begrudgingly going to have to throw out (not really, they're crap, Compaqs with 800 MHz Athlons or something) - maybe I'll install Neptune on one and have some fun with it first.

Anyone here tried the Neptune beta before, either in a VM or on an actual machine or whatever?

once I get the new hard drive into my server I'll start messing with the Compaq again.


  • Yes, I have. It's an excellent OS because its based on W2K, but I've had problems installing W2K drives on Neptune.
  • that's good to hear. Unfortunately I have to throw out at least the cases of the Compaqs, to save some space, but I could potentially try this on the Asus C3. Oh, I can imagine drivers would be a complete pain though, they were already iffy with W2K from my experience. W2K was nice when it worked, but I could never seem to find stable graphics drivers for the C3's CLE266 onboard chipset; they'd either crash or be extremely slow in some basic 3D acceleration apps.
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