is XP obsolete?



  • there are still ways to update xp, if you know how. If it is ok puppy linux world made a video about it and if it is ok with the admins for me to put a link to it. I am just asking so I don't get trolled.

    It's probably a shit video and you will either get trolled or not so don't waste our time doing so.
  • fast forward to late 2014, and the thing is certainly still usable and still gets the job done. Modern browsers still work for your cloud computing needs, multiple antivirus are available and still supported, Office 2010, SAP GUI 7.30, and the list goes on.

    Should you bury your head like an ostrich? probably not.
  • Since windows xp is out of support, I would say it is not completely obsolete as developers are still making programs for windows xp. But it is obsolete as in the operating system is old now.
  • I don't consider XP as an obsolete OS. 98% of schools in China are all using piracy xp (ghost version or whatsoever) and XP has great influences on kids like me. I've never been using any OS before XP. Also, some famous softwares (Toonz4.6 etc) can only run on XP
  • That's because China is 3rd world bullshit.
  • stitch wrote:
    That's because China is 3rd world bullshit.
    Well,don't say that. China's system (such as GFW) has been great since it improved our computer skill greatly, we have to learn how to "break wall" :P
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