Browser For NT 3.51

edited August 2012 in Software
I've successfully installed NT 3.51 with Internet through the virtual adapter and sound through sound blaster (I used VirtualBox). The telnet program works, but I would like to try to use a web browser on it.

Should I use Mosaic or IE 5 for Windows 3.1?


  • As far as I'm aware, Firefox 2 and SeaMonkey 1.1 will run. Netscape 4.x is the best for old NT though.

    I can't get NT working in a VM here, so I can't test.
  • You guessed right. Netscape 4 works like a charm!

    Instead of using VMWare for NT 3.51, I used VirtualBox. Select NT 4 as the OS. The install goes fine. The network card installs fine. Make sure you select Sound Blaster 16 as sound card in the VM. Then install the driver in NT.
  • If you're looking to actually browse *modern* web, Firefox 2 (or perhaps the newest version of Opera that runs on 3.51) would be your best bet. Netscape 4 can render almost no pages on the web these days properly.
  • yeah I think you'd be dealing with Opera 5.12 on NT3.51, which is like duper old. I'd go FF2.
  • iandun wrote:
    I've successfully installed NT 3.51 with Internet through the virtual adapter and sound through sound blaster (I used VirtualBox). The telnet program works, but I would like to try to use a web browser on it.

    Should I use Mosaic or IE 5 for Windows 3.1?
    That guy did custom compiles of firefox/seamonkey with some 3.51/95 specific fixes. I haven't tested them myself, so use that at your own risk.
  • That's good because I did try installing FX 2 and the install crashed because of some missing kernel function.
  • Try Firefox 1, the earliest version of Firefox.

    If FF1 doesn't solve your problem, then use NT 4.0.
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