Downloaded a game from here...but

edited August 2012 in Software
I downloaded the file "microsoft-entertainment-pack-the-puzzle-collection-1997" and inside the zip was a text file that contained this... "This file has been brought to you by Win World located at" At end of text file was this..."Questions, comments, problems with this file?"

So I came but do not see the file anyplace where I could post a comment under it. The file is 8 MB. When I opened it, there was an ISO file along with several DLL files and other things. WHY would anyone take a little 8 MB file and turn it into an ISO so you use a 4.5 GB blank dvd disc to burn it so it's usuable?? I was hoping to come in here and get some help with this from the poster. Any suggestions? Thanx


  • ISO's don't have to be burned to be usable. Google for ISO image drives. Some examples include Virtual CloneDrive, MagicDisc, ISODisk, DAEMON Tools and many, many more. You can also extract the files with programs like 7-zip.

    As for the text file, it's just telling you to do what you just did. Come to the forum and make a thread if you have questions, comments or problems with the download.
  • Thank you for responding. This was also in the text file...
    ""WinWorld is here to provide unrestricted access to our entire library at no charge. We do not accept donations for providing any content, just
    download and enjoy.""

    But I see no such (download libraries) here. Have the download sections been removed?

    The original file I downloaded had the extension 7z. I extracted the 7z file to its own folder using winrar. That gave me 2 files - the text file and the iso file.
    All I did with the iso fiile was right click on it and choose Extract Here. Now I have a folder with normal files so as to install the game BUT lookee here what happens when I click on install... I was not given any code, etc. Is it asking for my actual windows ID or a code from the supposed game box?

    You can download theis file (8 MB) from --->
 ... puzzle.jpg
  • Sorry, forgot to get back in here and post... Yes, it is simply asking for your windows product id which can be found under control panel system. I see some here have already d/l the file. That's good as I love to share. This game works in all windows system including my Windows 7 Ultimate.
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