windows xp and networking

edited December 2012 in Software
Is there any way to setup windows xp for different wireless net works? like if i am at home using my router it will hook up to it with my home sharing and where i go to my wife's work and using there wireless network it will turn off the sharing and witch to a public setting.


  • What are you talking about "sharing"? If it's Windows file/printer sharing then it's SMB. Each version of Windows featured a protocol overhaul and thus different features.

    Your best bet is getting a 3rd party firewall program and limiting SMB based on it's own mechanisms for recognizing network types.
  • something like when you setup networking in windows 7 it ask you if it's a home or pubic or work networking. Does windows xp have something like that build in. I running windows xp media center on my laptop.
  • What are you trying to accomplish though?
  • want to setup different network setting for different wireless network in windows xp like windows 7 have. like if it's home set it up as a home wireless or if it's pubic it set it up as a pubic network ect.
  • No, you can't do this with the built in XP firewall.

    Either upgrade to Windows 7 or use a third party firewall solution as Josh mentioned before.
  • I had a 64bit version windows 7 on this and the computer ran slow with world of warcraft. So i put win xp back on. I just look for a good firewall program that i could use. thanks for the help i going here.
  • Kaspersky has a pretty good solution.
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