RIOS - Ridgeback Integrated OS

edited January 2013 in Software
Been working for about a week or so on a project idea of mine -- a universal routing environment. The goal is to provide an installable OS/package that provides both an administrative Linux environment as well as a network-friendly command line interface or shell. As a side goal I would also like to create a SDM/ASDM-like web interface as well. Focus is primarily making the environment both user-friendly for mainstream networking professionals who are used to Cisco/Juniper CLI, as well a manageable and supportable through the core Linux OS. Not sure if I want to lock the hardware down or distribute just the software or both yet.

I don't want to put too much time into this though if there's something like this already out there or if there isn't very much of an interest or need for this. What are your thoughts?

You can check out my base setup by SSHing into username and pass "winboards".


  • Have you heard of Vyatta? It's a great little Linux router OS. Its command line interface is very easy to use and quite familiar to anyone that's worked with Junos / IOS.

    It also has a web interface, but I haven't played around with that. I preferred to stay in the command line.
  • Never heard of them. They look cool though.
  • Josh wrote:
    Been working for about a week or so on a project idea of mine -- a universal routing environment. The goal is to provide an installable OS/package that provides both an administrative Linux environment as well as a network-friendly command line interface or shell. As a side goal I would also like to create a SDM/ASDM-like web interface as well. Focus is primarily making the environment both user-friendly for mainstream networking professionals who are used to Cisco/Juniper CLI, as well a manageable and supportable through the core Linux OS. Not sure if I want to lock the hardware down or distribute just the software or both yet.

    I don't want to put too much time into this though if there's something like this already out there or if there isn't very much of an interest or need for this. What are your thoughts?

    You can check out my base setup by SSHing into username and pass "winboards".

    Website not working.
  • Don't recall saying anything about a website.
  • Josh wrote:
    Don't recall saying anything about a website.

    Then what is
  • An SSH server.
  • Oh. How to access it?
  • If you don't know what SSH is then I don't need your input and I'm afraid you wont be of much help with this project.
  • Heard of Mikrotik? They don't allow access to the underlying Linux system but otherwise put out a similar product in RouterOS.
  • Oh. How to access it?

    I literally lol'd at that.
  • nightice wrote:
    Heard of Mikrotik? They don't allow access to the underlying Linux system but otherwise put out a similar product in RouterOS.
    I believe Ubiquiti is doing a similar thing, but they are allowing some underlying access. Theirs is Debian based, and it sounds like you can install custom packages, etc. I am thinking about picking up an EDGERouter to play with.
  • I have seen Vyatta in the past but they seem to be all VM-based. Plus, they have been acquired by Brocade. I can't stand Brocade.

    Any idea if Ubiquiti has their OS compiled into an installable ISO? I saw the sources but really want to just take the software for a trial spin.
  • Josh wrote:
    Any idea if Ubiquiti has their OS compiled into an installable ISO? I saw the sources but really want to just take the software for a trial spin.
    I have never seen an offer like that from Ubiquiti... and I doubt they'd want to give up their hardware advantage like that.
  • edited January 2013
    Throwing another one out there that I personally use, IPFire. It's one of the only ones I know of that's been ported to ARM specifically for use with those cheap development boards (Raspberry Pi, ODROID, BeagleBoard, etc). It's based on IPCop so the WebUI is still mostly horrible CGI with a royalty free template draped over the top, but it works well for what it is. It has its own package manager and they maintain their own repository to push addons (of which there are numerous) and updates.

    My machine: ... c2ed5edec3
    It's a little overpowered to be a router, but it was a laptop I wasn't otherwise using.
  • CoreDuo wrote:
    Throwing another one out there that I personally use, IPFire. It's one of the only ones I know of that's been ported to ARM specifically for use with those cheap development boards (Raspberry Pi, ODROID, BeagleBoard, etc). It's based on IPCop so the WebUI is still mostly horrible CGI with a royalty free template draped over the top, but it works well for what it is.
    Dude this is offtopic, but do you plan on updating game graveyard? last update was may 2011
  • I got a timeout on that SSH server...
    it's just port 22 right?
  • Took it down to save memory on my VM server.
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