serial number for Paperport

edited February 2013 in Software
When I tried to install Paperport 3.01 it ask for a serial number. What do I use?


  • OK, I found a serial. I am still not well educated in installing this type of software. Would someone be willing to walk me through exactly how I need to install this. I extracted the zip file and when I try to install it, it goes through the part where I enter the serial, then it asks for disk 2, I at that point I don't know what to do.
  • Thanks, but I finally figured it out. One problem, when I get to disk 4, it says it is not the proper disk and will not complete the install. Any ideas?
  • The disk 4 in that archive is incorrect. It looks like they included some supplemental viewer disk instead of the actual setup disk 4.
  • I can install that disk on its own and it is a paperport viewer. Where can I get the proper disk 4?
  • There is another copy of PaperPort here: ... /PPORTDRV/ But it is not the exact same version. It looks like this product was customized and bundled with scanners, so there may be many different revisions/editions.
  • So, do I just download all the files onto a CD and then Install from the CD? I apologize for the question, but I am not up to speed on some of this stuff.
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