Windows 2000

edited March 2013 in Software
I just installed it in a Virtual Machine, and I just realized why I loved it so much again. It's just so elegant. It's smooth, pretty bug free, just as stable as XP, yet it's extremely clean. The desktop is smooth enough that all I really do to it is add another wallpaper to it. It also even manages to be pretty expandable, and modular.. Since 90% of the apps I use are third party, it's perfect. :|

I dunno, just felt like raving. I missed it. x3


  • I love it too. I have it installed on my old compaq evo d510. The only down side is that you can't really go online with it anymore. A lot of pages don't support ie6 and last version of firefox is 12 and it keeps popping a message top of the browser saying that you got plugin out of date. But it's a good system to have if you don't want all the flash of xp on your computer.
  • I've had no problems with FF8 in the VM lol. :|
  • I've used the 2000 VM as well and I think it might even be better than 7. Not in support, of course, but in design. Guess I like simplicity.
    I love it too. I have it installed on my old compaq evo d510. The only down side is that you can't really go online with it anymore. A lot of pages don't support ie6 and last version of firefox is 12 and it keeps popping a message top of the browser saying that you got plugin out of date. But it's a good system to have if you don't want all the flash of xp on your computer.
    I have a Compaq Presario 7000 that use to have 98SE on it. But, as with so many other cases, I upgraded to XPSP3.
  • Win2K was great, I'm almost positive Opera 11 can run on it, I haven't tried Opera 12 but it could potentially work.

    I had Win2K on my Dell Inspiron 5000 laptop a while back, and it was fine for the purpose of web browsing with Opera 11.
  • The newest versions of FF can be forced to run on it. Really, I don't understand why SP2 XP is considered the minimum for a lot of things. :| Windows 2000 seems like a cut down XP anyway.
  • I don't understand why the make programs cut off for windows xp sp2. I know Piriform started to make it's one program ccleaner to work for windows 2000 again. So i guess you could call that a plus. I think any program that works with windows xp should be made to work with windows 2000. Since x and 2000 are so closely same. Windows xp just has a new paint job and a few new programs add to it. Well that's my take on it. Will it ever happen nope.
  • Windows xp just has a new paint job and a few new programs add to it.

    Um, no.
  • Yeah. 2000 is fun for a blast from the past, but seriously XP added quite a few features that make it better than 2000 in a lot of ways. Still, I do miss the vintage feel of 2000 in a lot of ways. I'm thinking 7 is probably the best version of Windows we'll see out of this generation still.. :/
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