Tip for installing longhorn

edited June 2013 in Software

I just thought I would point this out.

If you are installing Windows Vista longhorn, set the date on virtual machine you are isntalling it to some where in 2005. I did 8/4/2005, as most betas for longhorn was 2004-5.

Just hope this helps.


  • How does this help? Does it fix some bug with longhorn that I have not seen yet? I hope there is not a bug that big. Also make sure to not use the code that comes with the ISO untill you know it will work and you can find drivers as most of the time the code will work only once.
  • How does this help? Does it fix some bug with longhorn that I have not seen yet? I hope there is not a bug that big.
    Longhorn was a beta... Microsoft probably only intended for it to be used for a short time. Changing the date\time on the computer makes the operating system think it's still within the period of time when it was supposed to be used.
  • I put it on todays date and I have not seen any issues yet.
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