OS/2 Warp 4.0 CD image - how do I install????

edited April 2013 in Software
:?: Hello there all you software nuts.

Downloaded the OS/2 warp4 image in 7Zip format the other day.

Opening it up < in win Xp> I see that there are 3 Floppy disc images included w/it!!!

Are these necessary for installation /besides the ISo Cd image I downloaded & burned??

I booted the Cd image <burned ona CD-Rw memorex> .

Booted it up on a trusty Thinkpad-Lenovo Laptop ----Bios is set for Cd/dvd drive 1st.

No bootup w/this disc.

What is the technique to do the OS/2 thing.

I myself have installed os/2 2.1 a few Years Back ,w/ FLOPPIES [complete set].

was a time-consuming process!!!!!

regards , chilibowl


  • You need to make a set of 3 floppies. The cd it not boot cd. On the cd you find a file called cdinst. click on it and it will make 3 floppies for you. It's a dos program and it will not work under windows vista and up. It's best it you use dos or windows 9x to make them.
  • To install OS/2 Warp4 normally yes you need the 3 floppy disks. However if you run the cdinst file with the /? switch it'll give you options to run a floppyless install. However you'd need to ahve the files loaded onto a partiton on a hard drive or a network based copy to install from.
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