Mijenix WizManager

edited October 2013 in Software
Just like that? I mean, join and then post? No 90 day quarantine, underwear inspections and forced recital of the official forum mantra (s) in Latin?

Well, doggone! But I digress. I find this site and the people who've made it happen, amazing.

OK, so here goes: I've gotten a pretty good collection of all things Mijenix ever published for Winfile and then later - Explorer. So that means, the products WizManager and Powerdesk. Lately, I have had a strange urge to up some of these someplace - maybe here?, but I'm missing a full version of WizManager 2.5 - and I know how to fix it.

If any of you run across a file named "Wizuppro.zip" - apprx 1.1 megs, most likely from a 1995-1996 shareware CD - it's the upgrade from 2.0 to 2.5 WizManager. I know how to extract the encrypted binaries and apply them to the shareware file set to make a "full" version.

It was always upped to the old boards with two other files, just like below:
WizManager 2.5 ftp://ftp.mijenix.com/pub/wizmgr25.zip
WizManager 2.5 Upgrade Kit ftp://ftp.mijenix.com/pub/wizupstd.zip
WizManager PRO 2.5 Upgrade Kit ftp://ftp.mijenix.com/pub/wizuppro.zip
WizUtilities Pak 2.5 ftp://ftp.mijenix.com/pub/wizutl25.zip

Also is on:
Pegasus Vol.2-CD (CD Nr.1+2)

I've scoured a couple dozen shareware CDs posted online - no luck. Wayback Machine failed me, every unique search term I could come up with for Google, ASK, Yahoo and even the russian ftp search engines didn't work either.

GOD D**M I usually don't type this much. OK, lets see if this posts, or gets put in the Official Hall of Stoopid - or whatever.

Thanks all (fingers crossed),



  • I'm making sure that stitch puts this in the River of Dumb!
  • I'm making sure that stitch puts this in the River of Dumb!

    I'm gonna toss you in the river of dumb...
  • Wow, I don't think I've heard of Mijenix since 2000 or so. I remember they had a disk compression product I tried out, it helped a little but not noticeably.
  • WizManager was Mijenix first product. They acquired other stuff (ZipMagic, etc) to broaden product offerings.

    When Win 9x came out, they offered a new "PowerDesk" and stopped developing WizManager. The product was very successful. It was eventually sold to Microhelp, then bought back, then sold to Ontrack, then Kroll-Ontrack, then V-COM, which became Avanquest.

    So that is why Avanquest now sells PowerDesk Pro.

    The guy behind WizManager also produced "ExplorerPlus" in the early 2000s, then went on to do security software.

    That in turn, got rolled into PC Tools - now also owned by Avanquest.
  • Nobody has found wizuppro.zip in their shareware archives yet?

    I found my notes on an old hard drive from years ago, and
    rebuilt the key - and it still works - even got WizManager to
    run on a copy of Winfile.exe from WFW311 on my XP SP3

    LOL! Even tho I haven't found the old ZIP, I have managed to get
    at least 1 package of PowerDesk from v1.0 to 9.01.

    Been an adventure... :twisted:
  • archive.org has a lot of those "shovelware" CDs - look on them. I know one guy found the first version of GCC for DOS that way
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