HD replacement

edited June 2013 in Hardware
A little while ago, my trusty Compaq Evo N610c's (Which, at that point, I finally had Windows 7 Ultimate fully working on) hard drive failed. Upon trying to find a replacement, I looked at the manual for it online, and it said it had a SMART hard drive. I found that weird, and proceeded to pull out the hard drive myself. Listed on the casing was that it was an IDE/ATA drive. "Good news", I thought. Until, that is, I found that it has some stupid adapter on it. I unfortunately could not get this off. Does anyone know how I would/could remove this adaper? I found a nice SSD and an adapter so it could connect to IDE/ATA, but that can't happen right now. Any ideas?


  • A little while ago, my trusty Compaq Evo N610c's (Which, at that point, I finally had Windows 7 Ultimate fully working on) hard drive failed. Upon trying to find a replacement, I looked at the manual for it online, and it said it had a SMART hard drive. I found that weird, and proceeded to pull out the hard drive myself. Listed on the casing was that it was an IDE/ATA drive. "Good news", I thought.
    SMART is not an interface for a hard drive like IDE or SATA. From what you've said, I am gathering that you aren't aware of what SMART is. It's a health monitoring system for hard drives.
    Until, that is, I found that it has some stupid adapter on it. I unfortunately could not get this off. Does anyone know how I would/could remove this adaper? I found a nice SSD and an adapter so it could connect to IDE/ATA, but that can't happen right now. Any ideas?
    A picture of the adapter might help. We have no experience with your computer so we don't know what the adapter even looks like.
  • Sorry, nevermind, right around the time I posted that, the rest of the computer died, and I do not want to try to fix it. I am sorry for the inconvenience, as well as the long reply time. The article about SMART is helpful, though, so I definitely thank you for that.
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