Windows 98 SE DeskBar Options

edited September 2013 in Software
Here is a little nugget some or even all of you may know about but I had no idea existed until I read about it earlier today. Evidently Microsoft had planned to introduce the concept of desktop toolbars to Windows 98. The idea was that webmasters would develop these toolbars and offer them as downloads. Users would download & install these things onto their desktops where they would automatically update themselves with various information. They were kind of like the precursor to Gadgets in Win Vista/7 or the live tiles in Win 8. Apparently most developers balked at the idea since that might mean less traffic to the actual websites themselves. The feature was implemented into various Win 98 betas but never did see the light of day as Microsoft dropped the idea and the extra tab was hidden by default in Win98 RTM.

You can access this extra tab called DeskBar Options by holding down the Control key while right-clicking the taskbar then choosing Properties in the popup menu. As you can see by the screen shot I included the feature is not functional and the Add, Remove and Properties buttons are greyed out.

As I said this is new to me so I thought it was kind of cool.



  • Weren't these an extension of the Active Desktop channels?
  • The functionality wasn't axed, it's the same thing as the toolbars that made it to final active desktop. Those toolbars can be either standard buttons similar to quick launch, or any custom free-form design like media player/iTunes' mini-mode toolbars. It's largely based on the same code that allows additional toolbars in IE, so this could have been a possibility with 98-7 should any developer really had interest. None seemingly have.
  • Probably for the better too: does Grandma need 14 toolbars that appear everywhere?
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