Excel 2.1 and Word 1.0 for Win on ebay

edited September 2013 in Software
Saw these earlier, and thought I would mention these here.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Microso ... 1443wt_901

This appears to be the original Word 1.0 for Windows 2.x. And it includes both 3.5" and 5.25" disk media. I've seen the files for Word 1.0 for Windows floating around out there, but Winworld only seems to have 1.1a.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Microso ... _323wt_901

There is also an unopened Excel 2.10 from the same seller.

That is not quite the earliest version, but that got me thinking.

Apparently Microsoft started with version 2 for the Windows series to match the Macintosh version of Excel.

These are the early versions I have found "floating around"
Excel 2.01 2/29/1988
Excel 2.1 7/31/1988
Excel 2.1 6/30/1989
Excel 2.1c 12/14/1989
Excel 2.1d 7/13/1990
Excel 3.0 12/09/1990

Interestingly Wikipedia says "the first Windows version was 2.05 (to synchronize with the Macintosh version 2.2) in November 1987", which is obviously not quite right as there is a slightly later 2.01. Microsoft must have started with Excel 2.00.

Also, I noticed: "Excel 2.0 was released a month before Windows 2.0, and the installed base of Windows was so low at that point in 1987 that Microsoft had to bundle a run-time version of Windows 1.0 with Excel 2.0"

So Excel 2.00 ran on Windows 1? That doesn't sound quite right, and the source they link to does not explicitly state that. (2.01 definitely is only for Windows 2).
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