Installing '98 on Parallels Desktop 9 (mac)

edited October 2013 in Software
I have been having trouble with this for a while, found this site, and figured this is the perfect place to ask my question. I have a Mac that I wanted to put Windows 98 on as a virtual machine. So, I downloaded Parallels Desktop, and got started. I have an old bootable CD from an e machines I used to have that ran Windows 98. I put the cd in, parallels starts to build the virtual machine, and then I get this...

Microsoft Windows 98 Start Up Menu
1. Restore Windows 98 - Will format HDD
2. Restore Windows 98 - Will not format HDD
3. Boot to DOS Prompt from CD Rom

When I select 1 or 2 it gives me an error and says my computer is not responding then ejects the disk. I can only get the command prompt (selection 3) from the CD (A:\). If memory serves, I can enter a command in the prompt to install 98. I was thinking it was setup.exe, but it just tells me that is bad or invalid. What am I doing wrong here? How can I get windows 98 as a virtual machine here? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


  • Once you've made your partiton, it still requires formatting in the DOS environment. So you'd want to boot to a DOS prompt and use FDISK to make a partiton Windows can understand. At least I assume thats the step your missing.
  • Uhh, I would not use your emacheen disk at all, I know way back when I had mine, the disk would only "install" windows on the emachens,

    Just grab a real 98se disk from here, it will also take care of the blank disk and format it.
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