Lotus 1-2-3 Installation Troubles in DOS

edited November 2013 in Software
I am currently running DOS 6.22 and have downloaded Lotus 1-2-3 (rev. 2.3) which contains 10 .imz floppy images. I used RawWrite to write the three DOS 6.22 images to blank floppies and installed DOS successfully.

However, when I used RawWrite to write the .imz image to a blank disk and tried booting it I am getting a "General Failure Reading Drive A" error. I checked my floppy cable, power cable, and tried other installation disks and didn''t receive any additional errors so my hardware is fine. I tried downloading WinImage to handle .imz but I am seeing this error when I click Write Disk in the progam "The current image format is not supported by the disk drive".

Has anyone had any luck installing Lotus 1-2-3 in DOS or can help me successfully write an .imz to a blank floppy?


  • I've tested this archive on my end and it seems to work for me. The issue might lie with the floppy you're writing it to, it could possibly have some bad sectors.
    My copy of 123 was tested while running PC-DOS 2000 and didn't seem to error out on me. I hope you weren't trying to boot the computer off that disk because although that disk appears to have a MS-DOS boot label, there's no system files on that disk to boot off of.
  • Thanks for your help. Using WinImage, I extracted each .imz image and then copied over the disk's contents onto a floppy and the installation process worked. Unfortunately for me, I only have 4 blank disks to work with so I've had to reformat and re-write often and so far on the 3rd installation disk I'm getting a read error. I'm assuming it's from reformatting and re-writing that often?

    I also have a Zip 100 drive that I hooked up, installed the drivers, but can't get DOS to read the data at all so I'm not sure what the disconnect is. My hope was to try and copy the contents of all 10 disks onto a 100MB disk but I haven't had any luck with that yet.
  • When I am trying to install Lotus on Disk 1, I getting the following error:


    I made the following registration changes shown below but still haven't had any luck. How did you get Lotus installed?

    http://www.uncreativelabs.net/textfiles ... 3R3UNP.TXT
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