Anyone Use Sublime Text (Any Version)?

edited December 2013 in Software
I just recently started using Sublime Text. It is truly a wonderful text editor for all purposes (not just programming). Plus it works on Linux! (YAY). I was wondering your opinion on the software and if you use it.


  • I usually use gedit on Linux.
  • As I build WordPress themes I've tried numerous code editors including Notepad++, Programmer's Notepad, HTML Kit and Brackets. I just starting playing around with Sublime Text 2 recently and I like it. It has a boatload of features, most of which I'll probably never use, but is very cool nevertheless.
  • I've been a Notepad++ user for a long time. Never had any need or desire to use anything else. At least on Windows. For Linux, when I'm editing something in the GUI (very rare), I would generally use Gedit.
  • >not vim

    If not vim, I'm cool with mg, Visual Studio, etc. Never liked the pseudo-IDEs like ST and Notepad++ that are kinda bloaty yet claim to be small.
  • Definitely my favorite text editor for anything programming (I mainly work with web languages). Most versatile thing I've ever used, IMO.
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