Surprise Surprise, My Copy of Windows is Bogus

edited December 2013 in Software
So it turns out that the copy of Windows 7 Ultimate retail I bought nearly 3 years ago is bogus. It turns out that it is actually using a MSDN key. I only found out the other day when Windows asked me to activate a couple of days after I reformatted. The initial activation went fine then it asked me to once again activate a couple of days later. When I tried it wouldn't let me. I went over to the MS forums where I got the bad news. Just for shits and giggles here is the thread I started ...

I guess my first clue should have been the typo on the box but I didn't read the crap on the box. What really irks me is I bought it from a legitimate computer shop here in my hometown, the very same shop where I bought a new PC, an external hard drive, a blue tooth etc. The bad news is I no longer have the receipt.

Live and learn.


  • Buying Windows.. Lol. >.<
  • So how much did you buy that for? That is a gross license violation that they've probably pulled on hundreds of other folks carried out by a Canadian? company. I'm sure Microsoft can run an audit of activations on keys issued to them through MSDN/TechNet/Volume Licensing and have enough to take them to court. This is not your everyday kid getting Windows from a torrent site, this is outright piracy that your hometown shop made a profit off of. They would certainly be put out of business should they ever end up going to court over this.

    Go back and remind them of this fact. With enough assertion you can probably get them to comp you a copy of legitimate Windows 7 even without receipt.
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