win 95 only gets 16 colurs

edited March 2014 in Software
help i want 24 bit colur in win 95 is that possible


  • Yes of course it is. More information about your setup would help.
  • Install video drivers. If you're on a Virtualization platform, try an S3 virge driver if there's none available from the VM vendor.
  • That'll only work for Virtual PC. If he's using VMware, Tools should install it, but that's not very functional on pre-OSR2 though.

    I'd suggest getting the VESA drivers from the Russians.
  • ampharos wrote:
    That'll only work for Virtual PC. If he's using VMware, Tools should install it, but that's not very functional on pre-OSR2 though.

    I'd suggest getting the VESA drivers from the Russians.
    Google "vbe9x" driver and you need the "uni" version, the others don't work well. Hope this helps
  • ampharos wrote:
    That'll only work for Virtual PC. If he's using VMware, Tools should install it, but that's not very functional on pre-OSR2 though.

    I'd suggest getting the VESA drivers from the Russians.
    Google "vbe9x" driver and you need the "uni" version, the others don't work well. Hope this helps

    Scitech Display Doctor, bro.
  • I suppose...

    But I really don't care for it. I mean, it certainly works, I just find it annoying (especially because it launches at start up, making it take 3 times as long to start up).
  • iandun wrote:
    I suppose...

    But I really don't care for it. I mean, it certainly works, I just find it annoying (especially because it launches at start up, making it take 3 times as long to start up).

    Also I am pretty sure the tool can make tresspasser run amazingly!
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