Rickroll connections to port 22

edited December 2013 in Software
So anyone running a *nix server with ssh running has to deal with stuff like this:
May 27 07:54:51 ukyo sshd[2345]: Invalid user adinminstartor from
May 27 17:15:06 ukyo sshd[29228]: Invalid user rot from
Jun 10 01:16:39 ukyo sshd[23684]: Invalid user defloy from
Jun 10 01:16:48 ukyo sshd[23686]: Invalid user dekpliy from
Jun 10 02:58:30 ukyo sshd[28501]: Invalid user deploy from
Jun 10 06:58:55 ukyo sshd[8136]: Invalid user defplonie from
Jun 9 15:51:29 ukyo sshd[28127]: Invalid user apachie from
Jun 16 22:55:45 ukyo sshd[30311]: Invalid user ftp from
Jun 17 08:51:44 ukyo sshd[28846]: Invalid user aparche from
Jun 17 14:21:49 ukyo sshd[12604]: Invalid user gast from

Another guy:
Jun 10 15:28:49 ukyo sshd[733]: Invalid user admon from
Jun 10 15:28:54 ukyo sshd[735]: Invalid user addmin from
Jun 10 15:55:41 ukyo sshd[1946]: Invalid user admin from
Jun 11 00:05:11 ukyo sshd[29697]: Invalid user ts from
Jun 11 00:29:30 ukyo sshd[30755]: Invalid user ts3 from
Jun 11 15:23:14 ukyo sshd[10158]: Invalid user ts3server from
Jun 12 20:51:44 ukyo sshd[31913]: Invalid user usor from
Jun 12 21:08:33 ukyo sshd[636]: Invalid user user from
Jun 12 21:08:41 ukyo sshd[638]: Invalid user usor1 from
Jun 12 21:28:27 ukyo sshd[1561]: Invalid user web01 from
Jun 12 15:51:31 ukyo sshd[17520]: Invalid user usorftp from
Jun 12 16:12:14 ukyo sshd[18684]: Invalid user userftp from
(Yes, those were real brute force attempts. The moron couldn't spell.)

Since then, I've switched to key based authentication and moved ssh to another port. I do have denyhosts running. What I'm debating doing is to figure out a way I can piss off some script kiddies by doing a blinkenlights style rickroll for anyone who tries to connect to my servers via port 22. Does anyone think this is possible, or is this a dream?


  • I am aware of a Nyan Cat telnet server, and there is a rickroll script available...

    It shouldn't be too hard: All you need is an SSH server that'll accept everything and everyone and drop rick.sh on them.
  • ampharos wrote:
    I am aware of a Nyan Cat telnet server, and there is a rickroll script available...

    It shouldn't be too hard: All you need is an SSH server that'll accept everything and everyone and drop rick.sh on them.
    You mean Nyancat-server?? It's in the debian repositories. That might possibly work.
  • The only flaw in your plan, is that people who think user is spelled with an O probably don't know what a Rickroll is.

    Worth nothing, OpenSSH can show a banner before a login attempt is made. A lot of times you'll see this on a server saying something about 'all access attempts are logged' or something otherwise to scare people away.
  • I doubt it's because they can't spell, more likely they're operating under the assumption that admins will rename accounts like admin and user to throw off script kiddies or avoid account lockouts. And some admins do, indeed, do that.
  • Those two IPs are the only ones I've ever seen that used typos like that as usernames.
    Since we're on the topic of openssh, have you guys noticed brute forcers disconnecting on one failed connect and automatically reconnecting? Seems like by doing that they've been able to bypass denyhosts unless you either change failed attempts to 1 or manually add them to hosts.deny. Not like those guys can do much, as passworded logins are disabled. It's as successful as trying to melt a glacier with your own piss.
  • Have you tried fail2ban? I hear it's better than denyhosts.
  • ampharos wrote:
    Have you tried fail2ban? I hear it's better than denyhosts.
    I'm trying that out on another machine right now actually.
  • Be careful. You may open yourself up for a DDoS. Not sure how much resources that ssh server would take up but just wanted to point it out.

    Also, snort works pretty good as an IDS/IPS system.
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