Windows NT

edited March 2014 in Software
I down loaded to a spare drive. I installed hard drive in older 86 machine and I can not install or start windows, dos will start


  • We need more information. We can't make any conclusions based on what you wrote.
    Did you extract the 7zip file? If you have the setup files on the drive, you can do winnt /b for the installer and reboot to get NT setup to start.
  • To Install windows NT make bootable floppies or boot from CD to install.
    Note: once the first part of setup has completed if booted from cd must change the bios to boot from hard otherwise on some systems will keep booting from cd. That has been my experience with NT 4.
  • You can start the install in DOS. Go into the directory that has it and issue winnt /b or winnt /s it's one or the other.
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