Windows 95 at 320x200

edited February 2014 in Software
Is this resolution possible in Win95, if so, how do you do it?


  • Back in 2005/6 or so I set my desktop's resolution to that.


    How is this usable as a system?
  • BOD wrote:
    Back in 2005/6 or so I set my desktop's resolution to that.


    How is this usable as a system?
    I want this in 256 colors, it looks to be in 16 colors
  • why the hell would you do this anyways

    and Nathan from toastytech did it
  • ampharos wrote:
    why the hell would you do this anyways

    and Nathan from toastytech did it

    It states that it is in 32bit color.
    I want to do this in 256 colors in virtualbox, which will only run in 16 colors at 640x480 normally
  • You still haven't said why you want to do this. I thought maybe it was to get it working with some ancient monitor you had laying around, but in virtualbox? Why? Is it just for the hell of it?
  • BlueSun wrote:
    You still haven't said why you want to do this. I thought maybe it was to get it working with some ancient monitor you had laying around, but in virtualbox? Why? Is it just for the hell of it?
    I was gonna first test it in virtual box, then do it on my 386sl laptop running windows 95 with a VGA screen
  • Why would you want to run your laptop at less than half the resolution it's capable of?
  • BOD wrote:
    Why would you want to run your laptop at less than half the resolution it's capable of?

    Alex_theman said earlier "Just for the hell of it". I think that means he's just experimenting, or testing.
  • Just do it on the laptop for reals if you can. You won't break anything. Virtualbox can be uite picky with how low it can go.
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