Orange Micro 620 300mhz AMD K6 vs Half Life

edited February 2014 in Hardware
Is it possible with some special software to get a 3DFX/Open GL card to run?


  • Please provide enough information that people will be able to actually assist you when you are making a support request.

    In this particular case:
    - What operating system are you running?
    - What architecture is your system?
    - What model video card do you have that you'd like to get working?

    This information is the bare minimum needed to find drivers.
  • Bumped back to Hardware based on the fact I see some relevance. You do need to provide more information though when asking questions.

    Based on what I've been able to find though, some background information: Orange Micro made hardware for Macs back in the day for PC compatibility. They were like addon cards for macs to run pc software at near native speeds.I highly doubt you'd be able to run Half Life on that kind of hardware though sorry.
  • Kirk wrote:
    Please provide enough information that people will be able to actually assist you when you are making a support request.

    In this particular case:
    - What operating system are you running?
    - What architecture is your system?
    - What model video card do you have that you'd like to get working?

    This information is the bare minimum needed to find drivers.

    (IDK, the computer who I will install the card doesn't work as of 2014, but it has some version mac os9)
    (Power PC G3)
    (A STB 3dfx Voodoo 2 is the card I have my eye on)

    I know that orange micros software won't work with this in mind, but I have plans for a Free and Open Source orangepc drivers called TangPC so I can do this
  • Give us a pic or two of the computer, then? We might be able to identify it.
  • Give us a pic or two of the computer, then? We might be able to identify it.
    I would, but I lost my camcorder that can take photos
  • From my googling I'd say that the card you have is capable of running Windows 98

    And depending on how much ram you have attached to the card you could meet the minimum system requirements for CPU and Memory of half life of 32MB

    However according to the same vintagemacworld site:
    Q: Can the OrangePC 550/620 access my 3Dfx video accelerator card?

    No. But it isn't really necessary. The OrangePC 550, 660 and PCfx! have 3D an accelerated video chipset built-in on the board. The Model 620 uses an emulated 3D capability built-in on its video chipset.

    Whatever the cards built in graphics capabilities are is the best you can do.
  • From my googling I'd say that the card you have is capable of running Windows 98

    And depending on how much ram you have attached to the card you could meet the minimum system requirements for CPU and Memory of half life of 32MB

    However according to the same vintagemacworld site:
    Q: Can the OrangePC 550/620 access my 3Dfx video accelerator card?

    No. But it isn't really necessary. The OrangePC 550, 660 and PCfx! have 3D an accelerated video chipset built-in on the board. The Model 620 uses an emulated 3D capability built-in on its video chipset.

    Whatever the cards built in graphics capabilities are is the best you can do.
    Nope, someone just needs to make orange pc software that works with 3dfx cards
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