Any Good Software?

edited March 2014 in Software
Hey guys
I have an old Dell Dimension L700cx that has Windows Me on it and I am looking for some good software recommendations
Does anyone have any good ideas for what I could use?


  • wamwoowam wrote:
    Hey guys
    I have an old Dell Dimension L700cx that has Windows Me on it and I am looking for some good software recommendations
    Are you talking about operating systems to install instead of ME? Is that why you made a poll about it? Or do you want suggestions for applications and games?
    wamwoowam wrote:
    Does anyone have any good ideas for what I could use?
    While we're at it, we can recommend a car for you to drive and some vacation destinations without knowing anything about your budget or preferences.
  • wamwoowam wrote:
    Hey guys
    I have an old Dell Dimension L700cx that has Windows Me on it and I am looking for some good software recommendations
    Does anyone have any good ideas for what I could use?
    Considering that you have windows ME. And also assuming that you mean the software on this site. I would suggest MS Office 97, Adobe Photoshop 5 or 3. Harvard graphics 4.0, and while your at it get a better browser than IE 5...
  • Toss on Win2k or XP and be done with it. ME has so much crap wrong with it. I tried running for giggles on a PC with 1GB ram with 2GHz CPU and still ran slow.
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