Windows 95B install problem (I have an idea on the problem)

edited March 2014 in Software
I was trying to install windows 95 with a modified setuppp.inf and I had to repack the precopy2 cab file. I used cabpack with these settings: pack for 16-bit extractors and MSZIP compression. My setup files are copied to C:\WIN95 in my disk image and i used "setup /nm /is" to start setup. In the part when it begins to prepare windows setup, it fails at 10% and gives me an error about there being a problem the setup cab files.

I want to know if it is caused by the And if it is, what should i do different?


  • Could you provide a screenshot or transcript of the error?

    Furthermore, in what way did you "modify" the installation files, and why?
  • the only file modified was the setuppp.inf and it was to make a smaller install size. I got the .diff for it from VOGONS and I had patched the original with it.

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